Physics @ Manasagangotri

Research Projects

March 12, 2025 ; 15:43
  • Synthesis, growth and characterization of Chalcone based nonlinear optical materials
    Principal Investigator Dr. Mahendra M.
    Agency University of Mysore
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 75,000
    Started on 2018-12-02
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2018-12-08
    Amount spent ₹ 75,000

  • Studies on atmospheric electrical parameters related to climatic change at Mysore
    Principal Investigator Dr. Chandrashekara M.S.
    Agency SERB, DST, Govt. of India
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 49,36,000
    Started on 2018-11-03
    Status Ongoing
  • Studies on Radon Exhalation Rate from Construction Materials of Chamaraja Nagar District, Karnataka State, India.
    Principal Investigator Dr. Chandrashekara M.S.
    Agency University of Mysore
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 75,000
    Started on 2018-02-12
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2019-05-30
    Amount spent ₹ 75,000

  • Studies on the Effects of High Energy Proton, Electron and Neutron Irradiation on NPN RF Power Transistors, SiGe HBTs and N-Channel MOSFETs
    Principal Investigator Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Agency Department of Atomic Energy-Board of Research in Nuclear Science, Mumbai
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 30,42,000
    Started on 2014-05-16
    Co-Investigator(s) Dr. Revannasiddaiah D.
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2018-03-31
    Amount spent ₹ 30,22,000

  • Studies on the Effects of Hydrogen Ion on Semiconductor Devices
    Principal Investigator Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Agency University Grants Commission, New Delhi and Department of Atomic Energy Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 7,20,000
    Started on 2014-01-01
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2016-12-31
    Amount spent ₹ 6,55,000

  • Reliability Study of Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Extreme Environment Electronic Applications
    Principal Investigator Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Agency Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 50,00,000
    Started on 2013-06-03
    Co-Investigator(s) Dr. Naik P.S.
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2016-06-02
    Amount spent ₹ 49,98,000

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Some Technologically important Nematic Liquid Crystals
    Principal Investigator Dr. Revannasiddaiah D.
    Agency University Grants Commission, New Delhi
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 10,30,000
    Started on 2012-07-01
    Co-Investigator(s) Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2015-06-30
    Amount spent ₹ 10,30,000

  • Studies on the Growth and Characterization of Technologically Important Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Single Crystals
    Principal Investigator Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Agency University Grants Commission, New Delhi
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 12,50,000
    Started on 2012-07-01
    Co-Investigator(s) Dr. Revannasiddaiah D.
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2015-12-31
    Amount spent ₹ 12,50,000

  • Structural studies of storage protein from the tuber of amorphophalluspaeoniifolius
    Principal Investigator Dr. Mahendra M.
    Agency University Grants Commission, Government of India
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 13,19,000
    Started on 2012-01-07
    Status Completed
    Ended on 31-12-2015
    Amount spent ₹ 12,62,000

  • Studies on the Effects of High Energy Radiation on NPN RF Power Transistors and N-channel MOSFETs
    Principal Investigator Dr. Revannasiddaiah D.
    Agency Department of Atomic Energy-Board of Research in Nuclear Science, Mumbai
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 21,05,000
    Started on 2009-11-23
    Co-Investigator(s) Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2013-03-31
    Amount spent ₹ 21,05,000

  • Study of Radium and Radon Concentration in Natural Water of Mysore District
    Principal Investigator Dr. Chandrashekara M.S.
    Agency University of Mysore
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 1,00,000
    Started on 2009-09-24
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2011-07-05
    Amount spent ₹ 90,000

  • Mapping of Uranium, Radium, radon and conventional pollutants like nitrate, sulphate, sulphite, fluoride in Natural Water of Mysore District.
    Principal Investigator Dr. Chandrashekara M.S.
    Agency BRNS Project
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 31,88,000
    Started on 2009-03-23
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2012-03-24
    Amount spent ₹ 31,00,000

  • Strengthening of Space Science Activities in Universities [ISRO’s Space Science Promotion Scheme]
    Principal Investigator Dr. Chandrashekara M.S.
    Agency ISRO, Government of India
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 25,000
    Started on 2008-09-19
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2016-09-19
    Amount spent ₹ 25,000

  • High-Energy Ion Irradiation Studies on SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Using IV/CV/DLTS Techniques
    Principal Investigator Dr. Gnana Prakash A.P.
    Agency Inter University Accelerator Center, New Delhi
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 4,13,000
    Started on 2008-05-06
    Status Completed
    Ended on 2012-03-31
    Amount spent ₹ 4,13,000

  • Molecular Docking and Crystallographic studies of Aminoglycoside N-acetyl transferases
    Principal Investigator Dr. Mahendra M.
    Agency University of Mysore
    Amount Sanctioned ₹ 1,00,000
    Started on 0000-00-00
    Status Completed
    Ended on 23-09-2011
    Amount spent ₹ 1,00,000